The Barry White Tribute

The Barry White Tribute

The Rose Orchestra Paris

A two hours show where music overwhelms you

The Barry White Tribute – Bio

Created in 2013, The Rose Orchestra includes the most famous songs of Soul lover.

A great energetic orchestra composed of talented musicians in the service of legendary songs, enhanced by the deep and serious voice of Gérard Rose which is comparable to that of Barry White.

A Big Band consists of 17 musicians different backgrounds, no less than 7 different backgrounds make up this musical melting pot and bring to this great adventure all the richness of their culture to honor legendary titles like You’re the first the last my everything, Let the music play, Just the way you are …

The Rose Tribute Orchestra Barry White uses his talents at prestigious shows in various festivals in France, luxury hotels, communal celebrations and private parties. Their highly acclaimed performance for Music Day 2015 in Clamart and Neuilly-sur-Seine in France, as well as a first prize winner at the 2015 Soul Trophy has only strengthened their resolve.

The Rose Orchestra is a Parisian Orchestra, the only Barry White Tribute of France to offer a quality show including all the codes of the famous Singer Composer.

Eager to perform before a large audience, to go abroad, to access a known and well-deserved recognition.

Currently the group is working on a single … No doubt he will rally the nostalgia of this monument de la Soul music.

The adventure is just beginning. A track and see on stage absolutely !